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Certyfikowany kurs pt. „Local Self-Government and Fiscal Decentralisation in Europe” – przeprowadzony przez prof. nadzw. dra Boštjana Brezovnika.


Szanowni Państwo,

w imieniu Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w certyfikowanym kursie pt. „Local Self-Government and Fiscal Decentralisation in Europe”, który zostanie przeprowadzony przez prof. nadzw. dra Boštjana Brezovnika.


Spotkania w ramach kursu będą odbywały się w formie zdalnej w dniach 7-11.03.2022 r.,  w godzinach 9:00 – 11:30 za pośrednictwem platformy Microsoft Teams. Kurs będzie realizowany w języku angielskim.

Podczas spotkań zostanie poruszona tematyka interesu publicznego i koncepcji państwa, obszarów i szczebli działania władzy lokalnej oraz decentralizacji fiskalnej. W czasie zajęć zostaną również porównane wybrane systemy samorządu lokalnego występujące w Europie.

Na kurs obowiązuje rejestracja, a liczba miejsc jest ograniczona. Poniżej załączamy formularz rejestracyjny: 

Jednocześnie informujemy, że za udział w kursie przysługuje 15 punktów szkoleniowych.

Poniżej przesyłamy krótką prezentację o Panu Profesorze Brezovniku:

Boštjan Brezovnik is an Associate Professor in the field of 'Administrative Law and Public Administration Law’ and lectures at the New University, Faculty of European Law (Slovenia); the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law (Slovenia) and UMCS, Faculty of Law and Administration (Poland). After successfully finishing Higher Administrative School at the University of Ljubljana in 1996, he continued his studies at the Maribor Faculty of Law, where he graduated in 2000 and obtained his title master of science in 2003. Later, in 2008, he successfully defended his doctoral thesis at the Ljubljana Faculty of Law.

He is an author, screenwriter, and co-producer of the first Slovenian homicide documentary TV series 'Inhumanum: The Inhumanity of Man’. The aim of the series is to objectively present all the aspects and consequences resulting from the act of murder, thereby contributing to the culture of non-violence in society.

His scientific research activity deals mainly with the topics of public administration, administrative law, local self-government, finance law, public finances, public services, and systems of fiscal decentralization with regional development. He publishes his work in different publications and is an author of plenty of scientific books in the field of public administration, local self-government, public services, and fiscal decentralization.

He cooperated in international research projects, mainly in the field of public administration, conducted by the UN, EU, OSCE, Council of Europe, Open Society Institute Budapest, KIPRED, USAID, and others. He is an alternate member of the Group of independent experts on the European Charter of Local Self-Government (Council of Europe). He is head of numerous projects in the field of local self-government and regional development worldwide.

He participated in panels and conferences in the USA, England, France, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Kosovo, and China. He lectured at Masaryk Faculty of Law (Brno, Czech Republic), Portucalense University Infante D. Henrique (Porto, Portugal), and Faculty of Business and Law, De Montfort University Leicester (Leicester, UK) and Faculty of Law, University of Maribor (Slovenia). He actively participates in developing scientific publishing as the editor-in-chief of Lex localis – Journal of Local Self-Government, head of the editorial board of Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, editor of the catalog 'Competences of the Slovenian Municipalities’ and editor of 'Official Gazette of Slovenian Municipalities’.

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